When you enter a bathroom, the vanity unit is typically first piece of furniture that catches your eye. A major component in the bathroom, the vanity unit anchors the room and serves multiple uses for the household over the years. Positioned right below or around the mirror, it is made up of a bathroom sink and cabinetry for essential storage, as well as to conceal plumbing.
We use our vanity units every day, from sun-up, and right before we go to bed at sun-down, so it is ideal to have a sturdy unit that lasts for as long as your bathroom does. From size and functionality to storage options, design and durability, there is certainly much to consider as a home builder when it comes to vanities.

While choosing a vanity to fit your home, you may opt to either build a custom-made vanity or purchase a premade one. Do bear in mind that there are pros and cons when it comes to both and can costs can start from $500 all the way to $5,000. Remember, it’s crucial to have a budget in mind to help you make a decision that suits your lifestyle. Let’s explore the various factors to consider when deciding between Build or Buy.

What to consider
- Who will be using the bathroom?
The vanity set for a guest bathroom will differ from that of a growing kid or teenager’s bathroom. - How much storage is needed?
Consider the types of drawers and cabinets, depending on the items you’re planning to store. - Will the location of the plumbing work?
This is important as your sink’s position and height will depend on the location of your bathroom plumbing. - What are the potential structural obstacles?
Be mindful of the door swing, drawer openings, toilet, shower or tub location, as this will affect the functionality of your vanity set in relation to your overall layout. - What is your budget?
Having a budget in mind will guide your decision-making and ease the planning and research process.

Why you should BUILD
We spend, on average, 2 years of our lives in the bathroom – and for this reason, designing and building a custom vanity may be the right option for you. Perhaps your bathroom has a strange corner, or you’d like your vanity to be kid-friendly and functional for your growing family. Perhaps you would like your vanity to double-up as a styling hub for hair and make-up. A made-to-measure vanity will give you the solution that you need, as it can be shaped and sized according to any specifications of your space.
Customising your vanity unit means that you would have the opportunity to choose the best quality materials, build your desired cabinetry according to your needs and craft an artisanal design to match the look of your home during your house building process. You would have the creative freedom to design and fabricate the vanity of your dreams!

Why you should BUY
Over the years, premade bathroom vanities have gotten more sophisticated. While they were once considered a simpler, more affordable option, premade vanities have now taken a large leap forward. Now available in a wide variety of modular items, you can opt to pick from a selection of styles, cabinets, countertops, finishes and hardware to form your ideal bathroom.
For premade bathroom vanities, each item can be purchased and installed either as a freeform piece or a complete set, in any layout or configuration. Installation is less of a hassle as premade vanities can be comparatively straightforward to assemble, giving you the freedom to compare prices between contractors to get the best bang for your buck.

For home builders, choosing between building or buying your vanity unit comes down to individual needs, lifestyle, and budget considerations. In the long run, it is wise to opt for a high-quality vanity unit which will serve your daily needs well, enhance functionality for your household and uplift the comfort of your home.
For more information about building a vanity unit, please contact us or book an appointment to visit our display centre.
Note: The interior photos are taken from our recent home renovation projects at Balwyn North, Ringwood North, Preston, Brunswick West, Blackburn and Fitzroy North.